The festival's theme will be based on Ole Brandt's book, "Qooqa," which is set in the Qeqertalik area. "Qooqa" tells the story of life in a hunting community in the early 18th century. The main characters, Qooqa and his friend Mikisuluk, grow up in a village in North Greenland. When they are still children, their fathers are killed by a hunter named Saqu. This tragedy forces the boys to take on the responsibilities of providing for their families at a young age. According to ancient customs, Qooqa and Mikisuluk are expected to avenge their fathers' deaths, but Qooqa rejects the cycle of fear and violence that revenge causes.
The book is filled with cultural traditions and beliefs from that time.
The festival will focus on these traditions, inspired by "Qooqa," including rituals, norms, and beliefs from the 18th century. There will be cultural performances such as drum and mask dances, storytelling, shamanism, tales of spirits and horror, and various ancestral traditions. Additionally, the festival will showcase traditional hunting and fishing methods, preparation of Greenlandic food, and crafting of traditional tools and tupilaks.
One of the activities are;
- Workshop with artist Lisa Kreutzmann. One of Greenland’s greatest artists comes from Kangaatsiaq. Her paintings are mainly inspired by the Greenlandic myths and legends, and she has exhibited her artworks in Alaska, Sweden and in several museums in Greenland.
- Kuka Fleisher will perform mask and drum dancing. She has been an educated actress since 2021 and, among other roles, portrayed Arnarulunnguaq, a Greenlandic companion on several major expeditions, at Nunatta Isiginnaartitsisarfia in 2022. Arnarulunnguaq participated in the 5th Thule Expedition from 1921-1924.
- The Living Village from Qasigiannguit will show the traditional summer attire of the Inuit people from the 1600s to the 1700s, along with traditional outdoor cooking demonstrations.
- Additionally, there will be a competition in seal hunting, as well as in flensing and scraping seal skins.
2. August:
19:00 launch of festival
20:00 Choral song
21:00 Mask and drum dance - Kuka Fleisher
22:00 ghost stories
3. August:
08:00 Seal hunting competition
08:30 The Living Village
10:00 Giving price for first seal hunter
10:30 workshop with The Living Village
12:00-13:00 Break
13:00 Archery
15:00 Kayak show
16:00 Greenlandic football game
16:00 Cooking with The Living Village
18:00-19:00 break
19:00 Association Arfeq-85 will demonstrate Arctic Sport
21:00-00:00: Greenlandic Polka and live music
3. August:
09:00 commemoration
10:00 Church service
12:00-13:00 Break
13:00 Workshop with Amaasa Jeremiassen & Sammiinannguaq Joelsen
15:00 Workshop with Lise Kreutzmann
17:00 Theater show
18:00-19:00 Break
19:00 Ending the festival
21:00-00:00 Live music & Dance
Kangaatsiaq, KangaatsiaqDirections
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